我爸本身也是拥有Perodua Alza,虽然他嘴里很少埋怨,但是可以看出他对Perodua Alza也有所不满。这也是马来西亚人一个很奇怪的想法,那就是认为只要是Perodua组装的车,品质就会好过Proton在制造。但是在Perodua Alza 和Proton Exora之间,很明显的是Proton Exora占优势,可是销售量却输Perodua Alza,为什么呢?因为很多人以为,以相同的价钱,Perodua Alza的品质会较好,可是事实却不是如此。
那Perodua Alza 本身又有什么问题呢?以下是我从wikipedia里quote出来的:
After its initial release, the Alza received many negative comments from its own newly found owners about its built-up quality and workmanship. The complaints posted included: brake pads releasing too much brake dust when used; faulty disc brakes; poor sound insulation at speeds over 70 km/h; petrol fumes detected after filling at the station; inadequate roof insulation, especially on rainy days; broken door levers; unusual sounds coming from the air-conditioning system; unusual heat build-up at the rear right seat, steering rack vibration and noises on uneven roads and water coming in through the front headlamps. Extreme and uneven paint works causes the exterior to scratched and chipped easily. Uneven rustproofing has also been reported.[6][7]
There are also recent complains of certain models that came with faulty gearboxes, especially prevalent on automatic transmissions. Symptoms include sudden strong vibration upon engaging reverse gear, and the slight delay in changing gears. Other symptoms includes a hard-to-reproduced soft tapping noise on the engine compartment, and a slight engine over-revving upon gear change from 3rd to 4th gear.[6]
(由于此文太长,本人有点懒惰翻译,若要看明白,请使用google translate吧)
我本身也对Perodua Alza有很大的反感。第一,与其说它是MPV, 我个人认为它更像一个加长版的Perodua Myvi,最后一排的座位的空间只够两个小孩,后排座位之后也没什么空间给你放行李了。第二,它不是我想象中的舒服,尤其当你是后座乘客时,又加上马来西亚凹凸不平的路时,去旅行时,当后座乘客简直是一个折磨。第三,Perodua简直就是不关注隔音措施的,每当我们把Alza加速到70km/h的时候,在车里说话是要用喊的。第四,我不是很喜欢它的设计。
我本身也对Perodua Alza有很大的反感。第一,与其说它是MPV, 我个人认为它更像一个加长版的Perodua Myvi,最后一排的座位的空间只够两个小孩,后排座位之后也没什么空间给你放行李了。第二,它不是我想象中的舒服,尤其当你是后座乘客时,又加上马来西亚凹凸不平的路时,去旅行时,当后座乘客简直是一个折磨。第三,Perodua简直就是不关注隔音措施的,每当我们把Alza加速到70km/h的时候,在车里说话是要用喊的。第四,我不是很喜欢它的设计。
有时Proton制造的车,不一定是次货,不要那以前的过错来批评现在的Proton。我们暂时先不说国产车计划的失败,如果要比较Proton和Perodua,我个人认为各有各的好。Proton Exora无论在品质还是实际用途中,都有很大优势。Perodua虽然幕后有Daihatsu/Toyota撑腰,但品质不一定就是最好的,Perodua Alza就是最好的例子了,虽然Alza销售量很好,但车主已经开始发现种种问题出现了。