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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Rise of the Guardians

这一次南下巴生,除了去Tangjung Sepat 和 Morib 海边意外,还跑去Setia City Mall 那里看戏。这一次还带了小孩,所以我和我姐选择了这部电影——Rise Of the Guardians。这是我蛮期待的电影,所以我抱着蛮大的期望去看待这部电影。


这部电影也让我有所感慨,即“信则有,不信则无”。在电影里,Jack Frost 虽然是Guardian,但其他人都看不见他,因为没人相信他的存在,反而其他的Guardian如,圣诞老人和Easter Bunny等,因很多人相信他们是存在的,所以每个人都看得见他们。然而,当坏人逐渐破坏小孩们对Guardian们的信任时,他们也逐渐的衰弱,使其他人看不见他们。

Rise of the Guardians是值得大家去电影看的,不要应为他是动画电影就认为只适合小孩子看,其实成人也不妨看看,包你喊赞。

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Windows 8 is rubbish

im just upgrade my computer OS to Windows 8, and honestly, its totally rubbish. Microsoft claim the windows 8 as their bigger event since Win 95, that is totally wrong, i dunno how other user of Win 8 OS, but after i installed it, i quite dissapointed and regret. it's slow, always restart for many reason and update that never ending.
nothing much have been change to Win 8 over the prevoius  one, the Win7. Win 8 only get a fancier start screen with live tile( which never work). it still have a desktop that look the same as the Win 7. I couldn't really say more about the different.
Window 8 does feel faster at the beginning, but after some time, its become sluggish, and its always restart for no reason. The fancy life tile we see on commercial is useless, when i click on it, say like the email life tile, a symbol of an envelope appear(full screen), but after a while, nothing happen, it went back to the start screen. And the life tile din't update anything at all since i started  using the Windows 8 OS.
I dunno its my computer problem or really the Win 8 is a crap.But i do hope it will be improve in the future, as all the computers and laptops will be using Win 8. if not, then i really need to take serious care to my laptop as i will use it for a very long time.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

War of the World: Goliath

今天去看电影了,我姐选择了这部手工画卡通电影——War of the World: Goliath。听说这部电影马来西亚国家​​电影发展公司有份参与制作。说真的,我对这部卡通电影并不是期待很大,我也没看过这部电影的预告片,只是看过海报而已。我们看的是2D版本,我个人认为这是一部成人看会闷,小孩与看不懂的电影。为什么这么说呢?很简单,这部电影的故事情节太简单,电影的画面也不特出,画工简单,成人看了会很闷。然而,若是下孩子看,他们恐怕有些情节又看不懂,因为电影情节里又有谈到世界历史(世界第一大战)。这部电影确实不合我口味,毕竟故事过于沉闷,画面也普通。

Sunday, November 4, 2012


James Bond, 果然没让我大失所望,值回票价了。这一部是我个人认为最好看的007系列电影之一,剧情比上几集都有所进步。这一集的反派也演的很成功,够奸诈,也很心狠手辣,一个充满仇恨的反派,一个为了报复而不择手段的人。

Skyfall, 也让我觉得James Bond回来了。之前前两集由的感觉没那么强烈,总觉得Daniel Craig 好像带不出那种感觉来。这一次,可能是演技加强了,之前所熟悉的James Bond回来了。再加上编写得那么好的剧本,这部电影绝对是必看的。

这一部电影有两个我非常喜欢的东西,一是,Aston Martin DB5。50年前,Aston Martin DB5第一次登上007系列电影,这一次,它回归了,DB5依然那么美丽动人,只可惜到最后还是难免被毁的命运。二是,Adele 的新歌 ‘Skyfall’,在电影院里听歌,果然有不同的感觉,这也是我个人为那么多集的007系列电影里,最好听的主题曲了。
